Minister Stephanie Humphrey
"Re-" Me in 2023" Minister Humphrey teaches us to renew, restore, reestablish, recover, recalibrate and more "re-"! |
Lady Kathy Russell
"Thriving in My Relationships: Family, Friends & Coworkers! Oh My!" Lady Russell gives us tools and strategies to gain and maintain healthy relationships! |
Evangelist Sabrina Amerson
"I Matter: My Mental and Emotional Health." Evangelist Vereen gives us practical information to balance our emotional and mental health! |
Deaconess Tasha Owens
"Money Matters: Be S.M.A.R.T. About It!" Deaconess Owens gave us practical tools we can implement today to ensure we are money healthy! |
Evangelist Darlene Jamison
"Fit, Firm & Fabulous: My Physical Health!" Evangelist Jemison taught us, by way of her testimony, how to get physically healthy. She leads us through some chair exercises that all fitness levels can apply to your daily life. |
Minister Tiwana Adams
"Home Ownership Basics: It's Time!" Reverend Adams gives us tips and tools to purchase our first home or our tenth home. |
Minister Stephanie Humphrey
"Relax, Relate Release!" Mindfulness & Yoga Practice (For Beginners) |
Minister Stephanie Humphrey
"Eat Healthy! Eat Right! Tips on Nutrition" (From experts) |